How to make a multithreaded port scanner in Python

How to make a multithreaded port scanner in Python

In this tutorial you will learn to make a multithreaded portscanner in python. Also we will make it possible to parse arguments at the command line.


A portscanner is simply a script that is trying to make a connection ta a device through a list of ports, in that way we can see which ports are open on a device. It’s a useful tool for penetration testing. In this tutorial we will make a portscanner using the socket library in Python. We will also make it multithreaded so it can scan multiple ports at the same time. That will increase the performance and the time it takes to perform a scan.

As a bonus we will also make it possible to parse arguments on the command line when running the script. So it will be possible to provide host to scan and portrange directly when running it, no need to change the code everytime. The code will be heavely commented just so it’s extra clear what everything does.

1 The scanning function

import argparse
import socket
import time
import sys
from threading import Thread, Lock
from queue import Queue

threads = 100                                                           # Number of simultaneous threads to use, feel free to tweak    
queue = Queue()                                                         # The queue for the threads
open_ports =  []                                                        # For storing all the open ports
print_lock = Lock()                                                     # Print lock so only one thread at a time can print
socket.setdefaulttimeout(0.15)                                          # The timeout when attempting a connection

def scan_ports(port):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)           # Create socket
        s.connect((host, port))                                         # Attempt connection on specified host and port
        with print_lock:                                                # Use lock to prevent multiple threads writing at the same time
            print(port, 'is open')
            open_ports.append(port)                                     # Save all open ports for printing later 
    except (socket.timeout, ConnectionRefusedError):                    # If we get ConnectionRefused exception, do nothing

2 The threader function

def scan_thread():
    global queue
    while True:
        worker = queue.get()                                           # Retrieve port number from queue
        scan_ports(worker)                                             # Scan the port using scan_ports() function

3 Main function

def main(host, ports):
    global queue
    startTime = time.time()                                            # Timestamp to measure the time taken to scan
    for t in range(threads):
        t = Thread(target=scan_thread)
        t.daemon = True
        t.start()                                                      # Start each thread

    for worker in ports:                                               # Put each port into the queue

    queue.join()                                                       # Wait until are threads are finished
    runtime = float("%0.2f" % (time.time() - startTime))               # Second timestamp, calculate time taken
    print("Run time: ", runtime, "seconds")
    print("Summary of open ports at the host", host, open_ports)       # Print a summary of all open ports

4 Argument parser

if __name__ == "__main__":
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple port scanner")
        parser.add_argument("--target", "-t", dest="host", help="Target host to scan.")
        parser.add_argument("--ports", "-p", dest="port_range", default="1-65535", help="Specify port range to scan, if left blank ports 1 - 65535 will be scanned.")
        args = parser.parse_args()
        host, port_range =, args.port_range

        start_port, end_port = port_range.split("-")
        start_port, end_port = int(start_port), int(end_port)

        ports = [ p for p in range(start_port, end_port)]

        main(host, ports)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Interrupt received, scanning will stop...")            # Catch keyboard interrupt exception (Ctrl - c)

You can find the full source code at my Github, or just execute command git clone at your command line.

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